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Barrier's Books & Associates Extravaganza 2017
Entertainers!   Entrepreneurs!   Family!   Friends and Others!
Come and join us on September 22 and 23 of 2017, for a Charity and Promotional Event in Wichita, Kansas in the Marriott Hotel Ballroom at 9100 Corporate Hill Drive.
Your Host
Ellen J. Barrier

This is a Free Charity Promotional Event For
Entertainers! Entrepreneurs! Family! Friends and Others!
Free Food and Prizes 
Donations are accepted
Doors are opened for performances from 4:00 p.m., to 10:00 p.m.

Please contact Ellen Barrier, to inform of the number of people attending this event with you. And any skills or talents you would like to perform. This information will allow the hotel personnel to know the amount of food to prepare for this event. And allow us to prepare for the performances. Call this number: (316) 201-6178

Best Sellers Books Health and Personal Care Products

Best Sellers Health and Personal Care Products

Shop here for great books on so many interesting topics:
 romance, religion, history, health & fitness, fantasy, parenting and more.

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Barrier's Health & Fitness

Good Health Happiness and Prosperity are The Good Things in Life

Those who have good health, and possess the spirit of happiness within their soul, and enjoy a prosperous life with an adequate financial income, are blessed.

Finding Balance In Your Life

Finding balance in your life  can only happen when you enter the path to give  you relaxation and peace in  your body, mind, and inner being. To obtain balance is to find comfort and freedom in our life:

Comfort and freedom comes about with good health and financial stability.

The body need proper nutrition and rest, with exercise to produce good health.
Good nutrition aides in helping our body to function adequately.
Exercise relaxes the mind and increase good circulation in our blood vessels and strengthen our muscles. Our brain and heart benefits to function properly as a result.

To find comfort and peace, the mind need to be released from financial stress that results from worrying about debts, and unable to buy things that we desire, and the things we need.
These are the things required to help us stay on the path of  a balanced life:
Our inner being need spiritual comfort. We find comfort through prayer.
Prayer brings us in contact with our creator for his guidance to help us to meet our goals, and to give us spiritual strength to make right decisions.  This helps us to accept our responsibilities for ourselves, and to help others.
"Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let  him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have  to give to him that needs." Ephesians 4:28
We need to focus our mind on educational tools to help build our skills and improve our talents to  acquire financial success and prosperity.  This is the will of God:
Financial security, Good health and Happiness
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers.'  3 John 2
To find the path for balance in your life, please visit Ellen Jean Barrier on this website: and click on the country you live in to shop.

Shop at this link for our Zennoa Products   Ellen Jean Barrier @ 

Big Savings $$$$ on Gifts for Mothers & Fathers and So Much More are Here!

Sounds of Music by Ellen Jean Barrier

We are surrounded by the sound of music. When we are outside in our yards, we hear the sound of birds chirping musical notes, squirrels on an electrical wire, running back and forth, making their merry sounds. We hear the sound of music being listened to, by drivers, in our communities and neighborhoods.
Music brings to listeners something that is wonderful and special. It has a way of relaxing or bringing excitement. There are many different kinds of styles of music. We each can choose our own preference: Contemporary, Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Gospel, Pop, Inspiration, Spiritual, Soft, Latin, and many other genres.

Video: Sounds of Music by Ellen Jean Barrier

The Healing Effects of Music
From the biblical days to the present, music has strengthened its roots in our society. We use music to relax, to entertain and to uplift our spirits in times of unhappiness, and for many occasions. Music is therapeutic, because of the healing effects it has within the soul.
Can you imagine a party without music?
It would be boring to have a party without music to add a comforting effect within the souls of the guests. In today’s music industry, we have embraced all of the musical roots within our cultures and accepted it as our universal language.
Barrier's Books & Associates Music Store
Visit Our Music Store for Genres of Music @

CD'S For Sale

Now Playing on YouTube
Ellen Jean Barrier

God's Love and Grace
 To Purchase: Pay by Credit Card, Check or Money Order
Price: $13.64

To Pay by Check or Money Order
Send to:
Barrier's Books & Associates
P.O. Box 12269
Wichita, Kansas 67277-2269

To purchase more music and other items, please visit Barrier's Books & Associates Website